White Blanket Road | Teen Ink

White Blanket Road

December 17, 2014
By Chase Windebank BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Chase Windebank BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tingling lungs.
Snowflakes fall to the wind's song sung.
Wide eyes
Icicles catch the street lamp's soft flickering glow.
Now earth resembles night's twinkling stars.
Sound has run hiding.
Hold her hand down a white blanket road.
Like metallic blades gliding
so the heart now flying.
With her warm even crying.
Eyelashes frosting.
with her...no mater what it's costing.
Scoop up the snow
Let it flow
Gently to its resting place.
Kiss her cold face.
Tenderly close the wooden case.
A solitude stride back down a white blanket road.
Crying now ever so cold.
Oh, when did she ever grow so old?
Just yesterday we walked this white blanket road.

The author's comments:

How precious is a life spent in the marriage. I wrote this piece with joyful expectancy to spending a life with my bride, and being so in love with her that I see her as I will the day of our wedding...even when we grow old with one another.

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