It Should Be Called Hell | Teen Ink

It Should Be Called Hell

December 16, 2014
By Analisia Yazzie SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Analisia Yazzie SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the feeling for felling everything but nothing all at once
Not being able to breathe when there’s nothing but oxygen all around you
Watching people be happy and just want to feel like that
You can feel yourself sinking deeper
And deeper

They don’t hear your silent screams
Tell you to stop sleeping
Get up and live like a normal teen
Smile for once in your life you have everything
Everything but happiness

But they don’t get that it hurt to live

But I know
The envy you feel towards anyone who is happy
How it feel to cry at night so no one know
To scream I wanna get better
I still don’t why they call it depression
They should have called it Hell.

The author's comments:

Depression is hell

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