In your eyes | Teen Ink

In your eyes

December 9, 2014
By averyR. SILVER, Austin, Texas
averyR. SILVER, Austin, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In your eyes we are monsters.
We aren’t superior to you,
We are law-breakers and nature-violators.
We will only weaken the definition of marriage,
Because of course,
If two men can marry each other, can’t someone marry an animal?
We are ridiculous.
We are either horribly ashamed of our orientation, or boasting proud of it.
We recruit your children on to our side, we lure them.
We aren’t traditional at all.
We will damage the children we bear or adopt,
By not having a father, our girls will be pregnant.
By not having a mother, they will be insecure.
We’ll kill the definition of marriage.
We are defying religion.
We make a choice to be who we are.
We weren’t born this way at all, it’s all a choice.
If Christianity doesn’t allow this, why should the law?
We are insane.
Our men are like women and our women are like men.
There are two genders, two opposites, and we’re attracted to one or the other.
There is no such thing as bisexual, pansexual?
So we’re attracted to frying pans?
We are injustice.
We are wrong.
We are unnatural…

At least in your eyes.

The author's comments:

This is what they think...

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