Asking Aidan | Teen Ink

Asking Aidan

November 19, 2014
By averyR. SILVER, Austin, Texas
averyR. SILVER, Austin, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Can you walk to the ends of the earth
With me
I think I’ve had enough
It’s like you’re a smooth
Surrounded by rough
I’m not giving up this time
I never want to let you go
You’re one of the kindest people
I’m sure I will ever know

So Aidan
Can you walk to the end the ends of the earth
With me
Please don’t let me go
You are the only person
I ever want to know
Here I am
And you are too
Please will you love me
Don’t leave me with these wolves
Who no doubt will kill me, kill me oh
Can you be my allie
Can you be my friend
Dance with me in the cold
When others lock the doors
We can help each other
And fight back those wolves

So Aidan
Can you walk to the ends of the earth
With me
Dance in the cold
Fight back the wolves
Be my allie
Be my friend
Stay with me until the end
And never let me go.

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