Remember The Grasslamo! | Teen Ink

Remember The Grasslamo!

November 17, 2014
By melody kuo BRONZE, Senoia, Georgia
melody kuo BRONZE, Senoia, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The air smells of freshly cut grass.
Their green blood was shed here:
An obliteration of greenery.

Once long and flowing, now stubs--
Their heads severed from their body.
Off with their heads!
Their cries are the whisper of the wind,
Never heard-- but felt with a sense of chilling.
It was all drowned out by the mower,
The undefeatable machine that has blood on its blade.
Yet-- it has never ended a life.

In this bloodbath; there is a light,
A metaphorical and a physical light that recuperates them.
What they lost comes back to them;
Their flowing greenery will once again wave in the wind--
They cannot be conquered.

The author's comments:

I was sitting outside in my backyard when I wrote this. My dad was cutting the grass and this is where I went.

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