My forgotten soul | Teen Ink

My forgotten soul

November 3, 2014
By Heather_reilly BRONZE, Wharton, New Jersey
Heather_reilly BRONZE, Wharton, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
One day your life will flash before your eyes make sure it's worth watching

The day I was born the sun was beaming
My parents faces filled with joy
Although my brother was upset I wasn't a boy
I thought I came into the world with a meaning

As a teen I was the forgotten child
My brother was always the center of attention
I was a disgrace always getting a detention
My family thought I was a child of the wild

My life didn't follow what I originally planned
As an adult I never had kids
That is what probably put me off the grid
I was the only one within acres of land

My loneliness really took an emotional toll
No-one came to my funeral, it was just me
I guess that how it would always be
I eventually realized I was a forgotten soul

The author's comments:

side note: Im not actually neglected

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