Mother Dearest | Teen Ink

Mother Dearest

November 18, 2014
By Dallie BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Dallie BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
We have to hurt in order to know
Fall in order to grow
Lose in order to gain
Because all life's lessons are taught through pain.

Mother Dearest

Your wickedness is done

I stand now above you

Glad that you are gone

But, Mother Dearest

You haunt me in my sleep

Your words piercing my heart

The wounds all becoming too deep.


Mother Dearest

How you hurt me

Your words

They helped me to see

That you might be my Mother Dearest

But you do not love me

How simple, plain, and easy

Your ways seem to trick me

Now my stomach feels queasy

Because I know thier is no love for me.


All you saw me as was a trophy

I had enough value that you kept me

But if I lost it you would throw me

I'm glad you are dead

You horrible mother

Let me lay down my tired head.


I can't live anymore 

Your words still burn me like coals

I wish to live no more

So, Mother Dearest if your guessing

at what I'm about to say

I couldn't take all detesting

Even when you are in the grave

It the fall and there's rain

In a moment I will end this

Take away all of my pain.


Mother Dearest

This is your fault

As I fall on my bed

You see you are the reason

I put a bullet in my head

Now it's over

Oh It's over

Finally I am dead

Mother Dearest, Mother Dearest

No longer will you I dread.

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