What I miss the most | Teen Ink

What I miss the most

November 5, 2014
By blackmagic SILVER, Everett, Washington
blackmagic SILVER, Everett, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who have experienced rock bottom truly know how beautiful it is to be able to smile in the light.

What I miss the most about you is the touch of your hand every time I left your house,

the sound of your voice, the wave at the door gave me feelings of joy I’ve never felt before,

not able to be at my graduation or by my hospital bed other than on my arm because you’re flying with the angels up above you soar,

with me as I reach the summit of Mt. Pilchuck alongside tear stricken eyes a body hitting the floor.

Strength is something you’ve instilled deep in more core, to battle collapsed lungs, drug addicted individuals and so much more,

treating everyone with the respect they deserve right from the start,

I feel you with me with each and every passing beat of my heart,

leading me through triumph after triumph with humility and grace,

because anyone could laugh cry and spit in a losers face,

but not everyone can be a proper samaritan and shake their hand and encourage them to battle next time,

because thats the sooner way.

All around the world you’ve been,

inspiring me with your stories from papa new guinea to singapore and back again,

throughout honolulu and Wakiki we have been.

An angel you are for me each and every random moment from ambulance to car from a distance and afar.

I lay awake every night enlightened by your being, even though you are someone for a long time I won’t be seeing,

but that’s okay because in the 18 years you were in my life you instilled what needed to be in order to make me a man,

enough strength and integrity to take on the world 7 billion to one like only I can.

The author's comments:

In rememberance of my grandfather, 

Posting this for Madison.

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