Why I love Seattle | Teen Ink

Why I love Seattle

October 31, 2014
By Anonymous

Seattle, Home of the Seahawks,
Rain almost everyday,
Beautiful mountains views,
Home to many tourist attractions like the Space Needle and Pike place market,
A diverse city,
Home to two well-known colleges, UW and WSU,
Home to successful companies like Nordstrom, Amazon, and Starbucks,
Where EMP, Museum of Flight, and Burke Museum are located,
Where the beautiful Seattle Waterfront is located,
Where you can get rides from the Ducks,
Where you tour the Underground passages underneath the Pioneer Square neighborhood,
Where you can listen to a wonderful musical performance at Benaroya Hall,
Where you can visit the native Tillicum Village,
These are only some of the reasons on why I love Seattle,
There are many places to visit!

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