Another 911 | Teen Ink

Another 911

October 25, 2014
By thecrookedneighbor SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
thecrookedneighbor SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Let the curtains fall and rise as
we see our skyscrapers tremble. Now they rest underneath a solid grave.
Tragedy intoxicates our lives forever.
Let's expand on the subject.
Suffocate our students with never-ending duty.
Wear out the facts like old overused socks.
Death's hands reaching over terrified victims as they race towards the exit.
We are touched.
I believe I should hide behind my shadow.
I fear for the termination of my life.
We are detained forever to be molested
by fear of tyrants and intentional harm.
History was written in full black ink,
scribbled into a notebook,
never to be erased.

September 11, my eraser is worn out.
Died and tired as we are
physically and emotionally incapable of hiding you.
Therefore, I'd rather leave it, not be forced to cry.
Not be forced to moan and scream away sadness.
Shout and kick away death and his intolerable actions.
Why should we be stuck in desolation?
Why should we forever be victimized?
Why should we be trapped in a cage of suffering?
What remedy do we have to cure evil?
And will we ever cure this life-sucking monster?

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