Eris's Apple of Discord | Teen Ink

Eris's Apple of Discord

October 23, 2014
By Emma Piedilato BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Emma Piedilato BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the golden apple of disaster and chaos,
I can feel the mischievous goddess’s slender fingers
curve underneath me, ready to create strife.
As I fly freely and fluidly through the air,
the reflections of my victims are like a carnival mirror.
Bang. I send an unfortunate bend of luck that brings an
end to the goddesses dispute for finding the “fairest one”.
Their wrath is the Trojan War.
All because of one boy, the three will destroy
the city of Troy like some child toy.
And I, the golden shining apple, am Zeus. It is I
who caused this magnificent strife listening to the
weeping of the innocent and the battle cries of the
fallen heros. Bang, bang.

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