Sweet Dreams | Teen Ink

Sweet Dreams

October 23, 2014
By TatumC BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
TatumC BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sunny rays beat off the sand,

As I reach down to touch them with my hand,

I close my eyes and simply wonder,

What would it be like if everyday was summer?

My eyes begin to slowly close,

As I feel the sand trickle down my toes,

I can feel the breeze against my skin,

But then I hear a noise begin.

My eyes shoot open and I sit straight up,

As my body stretches and I wake up,

5:30 the clock unfortunately read,

I knew it was time to get out of bed.

I peeled off the sheets and slowly rose,

And I groaned when I realized where I had to go,

I dress and get ready for the day to come,

The first day of school… sure to be fun!

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