Melting Into the Shadows | Teen Ink

Melting Into the Shadows

October 20, 2014
By madiya_3 BRONZE, Davie, Florida
madiya_3 BRONZE, Davie, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have to want to breathe as bad as you want to breathe, that's when you'll be successful."

What if we never met.
I never had the chance to smell the sweetness of your everlasting beauty.
Our hearts never sewed together into a whole.
I never latched onto our invincible connection.
My heart never pounded in your presence.
I didn’t feel my heart flutter, and the butterflies fighting in my stomach.
What if my throat didn't swell up and explode with anger.
You would still be here.

I should have known you would turn into one of those guys.
Craving attention,
starved for one glance.
What if I saw every flaw, every mistake.
What if I left you in the dark, to fade away.

But, thats why you chose me.
Because I was vulnerable.
I loved you way too much to ever hurt you,
to ever leave you alone.

But, that was me.
And you are you.

You made me feel small,
and I blame you for that.
But, I will never stop asking, “why me?”
Why choose me to throw around.
Why choose my soul to chew through, like a dog toy.
I guess that’s when I realized,
I’m nothing more than that.

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