Not Good Enough | Teen Ink

Not Good Enough

October 4, 2014
By juniebug BRONZE, Wixom, Michigan
juniebug BRONZE, Wixom, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you want to see in the wotld

fitting in is hard and life in general is tough-its hard to live a happy life when you arent good enough,

Not attractive and clearly overweight-Im not funny and its not up for debate,

I put on makeup and wear nice clothes n straighten my hair-But no matter how hard i try nobody seems to care,

I walk and talk and act a certain way to please everyone else-if only i knew who i was i could be myself,

I try fitting in at home but that doesnt work as well-I go to church even when i dont wanna and im gonna go to hell,

I do all i can to not be the black sheep-im still not good enough so i sit most days and weep,

I dont know if Ill ever fit in and im starting not to care-this world is screwed up but like they say "lifes not fair".

The author's comments:

Maybe someday I will find someone I "fit in" with but right now I feel so horrible because nobody accepts me . I am never good enough

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