Our Song | Teen Ink

Our Song

October 1, 2014
By 9ThomaOK BRONZE, Grand Ledge, Michigan
9ThomaOK BRONZE, Grand Ledge, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It was books that made me feel, that perhaps I wasn't completely alone. I could be honest with them and they could be honest with me."

I'm listening to our song
And oh my god
I can't feel it anymore.

I can't feel the rage
That once rushed
Through my veins.
I only have this searing sorrow
That assumes its place belongs
in my heart.

With brick walls guarding
yourself I begged you to
lower the ascending bricks.
You kept adding
but i only keep getting a curt response

I've counted the lengthy days
Since we've even muttered words,
And I have been incredibly
uninspired to write.
Or even think of happy thoughts

Which is nonsense
Because you're alright,
While I'm laying
On my bathroom floor
with oceans of water
beneath my eyes.

Our song once meant
the world to me
but now the tunes
and  notes that held
it together are coming undone
just like us.

It feels like when you get a bruise,
You can't really sense the pain
But there's this persistent  sore
On a place that was once unharmed
But only you did it to my heart

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