Daily Chores | Teen Ink

Daily Chores

September 29, 2014
By Steffani Farquharson BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
Steffani Farquharson BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday you have to
Do the dishes, and clean your room.
Feed the dog, and vacuum the family room.
Mow the lawn, and do your homework.
Everything has to be done.

nothing was said about when.

So, I’ll do my homework,
and feed the dog.
But not until I mow the lawn,
and vacuum the family room.
And only after I do the dishes
and clean my room.

The TV and my phone
eat away my time
and it’s time to go to bed.
But I didn’t vacuum, or mow the lawn
or do my homework.

I’ll go into school unprepared,
And my mom will be mad,
and my teachers will be disappointed
and I will get an F for the day.

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