Childhood Memories | Teen Ink

Childhood Memories

September 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Oh those days, how I picture myself sitting under old trees,

and looking at the mirror, I realised the old me.

The memories of my childhood, once livid in the past,

now sadly though, they cannot forever last.


I used to waddle through swamps, rivers and lakes,

and walk for miles until my legs ache.

I used to draw on old floors, and grab a dusty chalk,

and immerse myself in my friends' silly talk.


I used to paint a picture, and hang it on walls,

and clip it around tightly, so it never falls.

I used to play with my friends down the misty hall,

with rackets, or a soccer ball.


Oh those days, how I wished it was still the old me,

but that old life form of me just ceased to be.

The author's comments:

I missed those childhood days that I used to experience, and wished to pour out my feelings through this poem. As it is a free verse, I was able to express my feelings and thoughts about my childhood memories freely and vividly, thus inspiring to write this poem to share with the wonders of the world. I sincerely hope this piece gains the likes and favour of all the readers who set their eyes on it. Thank you!

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