Unremembered | Teen Ink


September 16, 2014
By Dariann SILVER, Marion, Indiana
Dariann SILVER, Marion, Indiana
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you want to truly understand something, try to change it.&quot;<br /> -Kurt Lewin

I'm not well known
Never have been
I roam through the halls
Can't remember where I've been
Take the nearest seat empty
Avoid eyes, look at the floor
Pull up my hood
Rush out the door
You've seen me
Sitting alone, glancing up
But never too long
Part of you wonders who I am
The other part tells you
She's just a girl
What would I tell my friends?
How could you explain
Showing compassion?
It's not your place
It's somebody else's.
You keep walking
I keep sitting
Never meeting your eyes
Yours never meeting mine
But if you knew me
If one of your friends came up to see me
If somebody broke out of the ranks
Smiled and said hi
Asked for me to sit along your side
You'd smile and wave at me in the halls
I'd smile and think for the first time
Maybe this isn't so bad after all
I'd give it a chance
Feel out the terrain
Find my voice again
My courage would rise
And everything would be alright
It wouldn't hurt so much anymore
To get up and go to school
Knowing I had someone waiting
For once feeling like I wasn't failing
But you don't
And I won't
And the cycle goes on and on
Another pretty girl lonely
Due to fear of a hello.

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