Broken Love | Teen Ink

Broken Love

September 16, 2014
By JoieRenee GOLD, Tidioute, Pennsylvania
JoieRenee GOLD, Tidioute, Pennsylvania
17 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
She cuts herself. Never too deep, never enough to die. But enough to feel the pain, enough to feel the scream inside.

He captured my heart,

Then ripped it apart.

He knew how I felt,

but to him I was another knotch on the belt.

I never should have given him a precious gift,

I never should have stayed after the first hit.

The louder his scream grew

The harder it was for me to get through.

I made a mistake once before, 

but it's time for my silence to be no more.

The author's comments:

Thsi piece is about a friend of mine, She gave me this because she knew how much I loved her writing so I figured I would post it here.. She isnt around anymore, but I don't think she will mind me sharing it here.

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