Number 5 | Teen Ink

Number 5

September 16, 2014
By 6marston SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6marston SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from laughing at friends, sports, running, basketball
From, “Don't talk about it,” “is that a thing” and “oh god”
I'm Stuart Michael Marston

I am from Old White house with a maple tree in the front
From music, friends, cross country
I’m, Stu, Stewie and Stupac
I am from beatboxing, balling and playing Guitar
From, Running, and racing
Im hair, and arms and coordination

I am from saying please thanks god bless you
from hitting a half court shot at the buzzer
I am from funny memories of my childhood
where my tall, skinny friend would make me
laugh so hard my stomach would burn and
tears would be running down my face
I am number five in my family
One of the younger ones but just as tough
as the older ones

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