Wallflower's shadow | Teen Ink

Wallflower's shadow

August 31, 2014
By MistyGirl15 SILVER, Klamath Falls, Oregon
MistyGirl15 SILVER, Klamath Falls, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a shadow,

Cast from a flower on the wall,
I cry and wish for you to call.
For me...

My screams ring as a slight buzz,
A vague echo of what once was.

I catch your lazy gaze drift
Yet only in return to shift,
Back to your beloved miss.

I fight the light
Of Your beloved bright,
It burns me still from your sight.

I am again left unseen by you,
But still you will not bid me a due.
Just leave...

I do not peruse in the way of love,
I only wish to be free of
The pain of loosening you.

Not a shadow in your mind,
A wilting memory gone blind.
Replaced for new...

A shadow as the flower wilts
Waiting to be rebuilt.
After you...

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