My demons | Teen Ink

My demons

August 30, 2014
By Looking_Glass_Angel SILVER, Fort Collins, Colorado
Looking_Glass_Angel SILVER, Fort Collins, Colorado
6 articles 1 photo 1 comment

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lifes not the breathes you take its the moments that take your breath away

There’s a demon in my head,

He’s saying things that shouldn’t be said

Do it, He whispered

Just once, He said

Release me, He yells

No one will care in the morning light, He chuckles

I put headphones in,

Turn the music up

His voice echoes louder

There’s no way out! Just once

I run my hands threw my hair,

Fall to the ground

Put my head to my knees and cry

Is there a way out?

If i grab the blade,

Who will be my saving grace

The demon is only pain

It shouldn’t be so hard to face..

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on Sep. 17 2014 at 1:18 pm
supergirl1006 GOLD, Mt. Vernon, Missouri
11 articles 0 photos 5 comments

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I am not single. <br /> I am not taken.<br /> I am simply on reserve<br /> For the one who deserves my heart

there are so many moments when i feel the same way....believe me when i say this will continue....the road of ups and make a very good mental picture with the way you write....keep up the good work