Young Bliss Grows Old | Teen Ink

Young Bliss Grows Old

August 25, 2014
By kyliepenta BRONZE, Mt Holly, New Jersey
kyliepenta BRONZE, Mt Holly, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When we are young the world is humongous

  full of new opportunities

When we are young the people around us heroic

  filling us with security

When we are young music is just a catchy tune

  filled with beautiful voices

As we grow the opportunities lessen

People darken

Musical lyrics develop serious meanings

When we age we receive freedom

  and we are full of doubt

When we age we rot

  filling us with decaying hope

When we age reality hits

  and we are filled with the darkness our previous generations passed down to us.

The author's comments:

Growing up, all the good things such as the people I looked up to turned bad. Not because they worstened, but because as a child everything was magical. As we grow and we learn, the world seems to darken. It's not as blissful, as if the fairytale of life turned into a horror film all too quick. 

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