Whispering Rain | Teen Ink

Whispering Rain

August 13, 2014
By RoninSpire BRONZE, Tracy, California
RoninSpire BRONZE, Tracy, California
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love makes one do strange things

Go away.

Come again,
Another day.


You never truly brought sorrows,
And you never truly washed them away.

You whisper in my ear,
As your droplets of water,
Run down me.

You whisper in my ear,
Things best left unsaid.

And yet,
I still go out,
And allow you to caress me,
With your little droplets,
Of water,
And relief.

Whispering rain,
Through and through,
As you drop little droplets of water,
Onto my head,
Making it spin.

You whisper relief,
You whisper pain,
You whisper away,
As I stand under your gaze.

Whispering rain,
Will you,
Come again another day?

You cause me pain,
Yet you bring me relief.

Whispering rain,
Is this,
How I find myself,
Day in,
Day out?

And will you,
Will you come again,
Another day?

The author's comments:
Like rain comes and goes. This feeling of the mind comes and goes as well.

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