Jealousy | Teen Ink


July 9, 2014
By Nephele18 BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Nephele18 BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It burns, it burns
It burns inside
Tearing me up
Making me lie
A want or a need
I do not know
It tells me to hurt you
To stoop so low
A bitter poison
That crawls beneath
Corroding and killing
The good inside me
How simply you have
What I strive to obtain
This deep-rooted desire
Will drive me insane.

The author's comments:
Obviously this is about jealousy. It can be difficult to avoid it, because there's always someone who takes something for granted when you want it so badly. But "the green monster" really does screw you up, causing a change in attitude or outlook and possibly changing your relationships in a bad way. Steering clear of it and being happy with what you have is a good idea.

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