Babylon | Teen Ink


June 24, 2014
By Nephele18 BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Nephele18 BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Residing in a country of plenty
Where all I could want is a breath away
Why should I be the least bit stingy
If outward indulgence is the soul’s decay?

Movies, books, and magazine covers
Are filled with people aglow with perfection
Why shouldn’t I have a complexion like hers
And trade inner beauty for a cuter reflection?

At school I heard an interesting story
Of a girl who had an embarrassing day
But if it brings me popularity
Why should I mind the words that I say?

There is a thing that I really want
And I am so close to achieving it
Just one little lie, nothing too blunt
My desires will be so much easier to get

Every day I pass this homeless person
Begging for change on the side of the road
I wear my most oblivious expression
And continue walking to my air-conditioned home

In all that I do
And everywhere I go
You’ve probably seen
It’s all about me
My life is my own
With which to do as I please
I reside in Babylon
And there is none besides me.

The author's comments:
We all probably know a person like this; completely self centered, so absorbed in what they want that they don't care for the needs of others. I hope that this helps people to avoid becoming like that if they really see how wrong it is. It's titled Babylon, after the great ancient city that was destroyed because its people were like this. (Isaiah 47:10)

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