A World Bigger Than Us | Teen Ink

A World Bigger Than Us

June 22, 2014
By Pdvarona PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
Pdvarona PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
28 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In a world entirely composed
Of malicious charcoals
Somber silvers
And murky grays
In a world where simplicity
was swept with the winds

When distinctions between black & white
Are as hazy as a
tear stained sky
What do we believe in?

When bad is no longer evil
And the good don’t always carry the white hat
What do we trust in?

When love skids away from our grasps
Families are torn to shreds like yesterday’s mail
And friendships are only a mere glimmer of the stars they once were
What do we have hope in?

Believe in the universal cry
of a newborn baby seeing the light
of a hospital room for the first time
Believe in beautiful beginnings

Trust in the vast infinity of the sky
full with all the unknown
The fact that we are all children
of this world
We are all weaved with the same hand
as the bursting sunflowers
and twinkling constellations
Trust in the insignificance of our daily actions

Hope for a new day as light leaks through
the cracks between your blinds
And a thousand little moments like these
Hope for days when you fall in love with life

Love leaves, people don’t always have good intentions, and things are rarely simple.

But flowers will grow in your heart
as long as you water them
No one belongs here in this moment
More than you.

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