Think Again | Teen Ink

Think Again

June 12, 2014
By Rosie Roy BRONZE, Laguna Hills, California
Rosie Roy BRONZE, Laguna Hills, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Don’t give me your toxic “love,”
I won’t be your cooing dove,
Don’t tell me I’m pretty because,
Baby, I know you’ve used that line on many girls.
If you thought I was beautiful,
Then why did you go behind my back,
And whisper lies.
The cute “little thing” people said we had,
Has forever left me with scars.
How can you stand to look me in the eyes,
After all you’ve done and said,
If you think I’m just your average blonde,
You better think again.
If you think you can ever gain my respect back,
Baby, you better think again.
If you think I love you at all,
You just better think again.
If you think I’m sorry were done and over with,
You bet on your silly football team,
You better think again.
Hi my name is experience,
Nice to meet you….
I hope you learned your lesson from me,
Because you better believe I learned my lesson from you.
Thanks for forever leaving me with lasting scars…..
Thanks for telling me I was everything and then embarrassing me until I was nothing.
Thanks for breaking my spirit and losing my trust…
Thanks but no thanks…
Because you better think again.
I’m blonde but I’m not guillible..
HI my name is ______________ next time you try to fool me with your toxic ways,
Don’t think of me. Instead think twice because I have changed.
I will never trust a person completely again.
Baby, for once in your short life use your little brain and think again.

The author's comments:
I think many girls have gone through heart wrenching break ups. Many girls have been treated poorly by guys. People say that a girl should stand up for herself. But they never really tell you how. Listen. listen to your instincts. listen to your first impressions of people. listen to the vibes you get. no matter how good looking a guy is on the outside... has absolutely no correlation to the way he is on the inside. watch out. be wise. Just because he's hot doesn't mean he's worth you or getting your heart broken in two.

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