Just a Shiver | Teen Ink

Just a Shiver

June 8, 2014
By QuixoticHeart BRONZE, Chico, California
QuixoticHeart BRONZE, Chico, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You were given this life, because you are strong enough to live it" -Robin Sharma

I watched you walk by as the wind blew
Your skin tightened, the hairs on your arms stood up
Your top lip quivered
Electrified and cold, your teeth chattered
Your fingers clenched into quick fists as you picked up your pace
Your eyes closed and your eyelashes fluttered
But in a matter of seconds
Your face lit up like normal and your strides slowed
Everything was back to normal
That's when it dawned on me
I was just a shiver
A cold tickling in your spine

The author's comments:
I watched a boy, that meant everything to me, walk in the wind, avoiding eye contact with me & realized I was just as easy to forget as a shiver on a windy day.

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