Chasing the Wind | Teen Ink

Chasing the Wind

June 7, 2014
By Nephele18 BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Nephele18 BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Images flutter through my mind
And flash inside my head
Of what I’ll one day leave behind
And all the things I did.

Hunkered in a too-small desk
And staring at blank pages
Despairing if I fail the test
I’ll be thought dumb for ages.

Running to catch up with girls
I thought I knew quite well
But with the icy glares they hurl
They plunge me into hell.

Looking deep into his eyes
I thought we were together
But then I see through all his lies
And carry the hurt forever.

I come to work another day
And do the job once more
Behind my back I hear them say
She fails the smallest chore.

On the surface in my home
Everything seems right
But the air is thick; we’re each alone
In our own little worlds tonight.

Alone inside my quiet room
No music is coming to mind
When I hold my pencil well-used
The pain is still trapped inside.

Day after day I still continue
To wear the shoes I’m meant to fill
Nothing on earth is truly new
And I keep on chasing the wind.

The author's comments:
This is mainly about how one's life seems to have no purpose; you go to school, work, home, even on your own, and it all seems meaningless. You do the same things over and over, yet to what end? All that seems to come of it is betrayal and hurt. Chasing the wind is also a reference to Ecclesiastes.

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