What Is My Sorrow | Teen Ink

What Is My Sorrow

June 4, 2014
By Manda456 BRONZE, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
Manda456 BRONZE, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There's a pulse in my neck
& I never know which way the and sign goes
The nails on my fingers are uneven
so far from a straight line
the weird curves on my nails
And he has a birthmark behind his ear
Such an oddly perfect circle
There is a rubber band on the floor
So lonely
The desks don't align
they only make crooked lines
Ripped paper has fringes
Don't know the name
So ugly
So unwanted
Those stupid little fringes
She has a scratch on her forearm
Probably never been noticed
Why are the blinds closed
Its such a gloomy day but
Why are the blinds closed?
Something smells so sweet
Reminds me of spring
Like flowers
Just an empty field
of flowers
in the spring
So silly
So so silly
The fault in our stars
So silly
there is no fault in our stars
There is a fault when the sky
the sky
the sky
hides the beautiful
And why is there a lock
on every single locker
We must lock it all away
My stupid
are so uneven
The line is
not right
not right
not right
So sorry

Why is there a game called
sorry for what
for what
So sorry
Sorry for writing these words
But the blinds are closed
There are scratches on them
My nails make me nervous
Smells remind me
The walls are white
And I am sorry.
So so sorry
Sorry for writing these words.
So sorry

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