When We Fall | Teen Ink

When We Fall

May 26, 2014
By ConcealedSoul SILVER, Walnut, California
ConcealedSoul SILVER, Walnut, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The experience of love is the recollection of Heaven." ~ Plato

My sister, I am a miniature, colossal feather.
That floats from the sky.
I move with the blowing of the wind.
And I float down with you by my side.
You cradle me in your cushioning lap.
I crush whatever is smaller than me
But I cringe into a corner with fear.
We have feelings as small as raindrops
Falling gently to the ground.
Even feelings as immense as thunderstorms
My sister, we are strong.
No matter what,
We can overcome our challenges together.
I fall with pride
But I rise with dignity.
Dear sister, when I leave,
I will watch over you
Over the blues and clouds.
The world ends with questions unanswered.
But one question has been answered between us.
We are sisters and nothing will ever change that.
When my eyes close,
You bring me back to life.
We are one.
You …
Are me.
And I …
Am you.

The author's comments:
This was an assignment I did at school. I was suppose to write a poem that described the relationship that I had with somebody close to me. This poem is dedicated to my big sister.

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