Circles | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By Kassidy Sorweide GOLD, Grants Pass, Oregon
Kassidy Sorweide GOLD, Grants Pass, Oregon
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Round and round I've gone
Confused by my own actions, not knowing the intentions of the actions around me.
I had stood and fought, and I have sat and listened
Though both are good neither is right for me,
As I had stood and fought I learned compassion, strength, clarity and reason.
While I listening I gained wisdom, serenity, peace and love.
But I have not gained a understanding of life, Though I sit and think, stand and learn I have not grasped the truth.
Surrounded unknowingly by emotional degress, becoming overwhelmed with the reality that is life.
I struggle to understand.
To exterminate ignorance and gain the unknown.
I remain calm when war breaks but become clouded by little troubles.
Though my mind is rich with information I lack meaning.
I lack harmony.

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