The power of the wolf | Teen Ink

The power of the wolf

May 28, 2014
By nollium PLATINUM, Reidsville, North Carolina
nollium PLATINUM, Reidsville, North Carolina
20 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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a kiss can be comma, a question mark, or a exclamation point. Thats basic spelling every woman should know.

Watch me as I lead
Through day and through night
As I guide my pack
Hunting and running
Training and playing
With my pups
I fight for my pack
I am the Alpha
I feel the earth beneath my paws
As I am running, running, running
My powerful gaze stops a deer in its tracks
My sharp teeth make it an easy snag
My pack eats next
As I watch from a distance ready to protect
I am ready
I am the strongest in my pack
I am the Alpha
Watch me as I lead
I am the spirit animal that empowers you
I will keep you
And a leader who will guide many with pride
You are one with the wolf my child
Your family will be proud
You carry on our people’s traditions
As we the Lenape Native Americans say:
An’gou or blessings.

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