Untitled | Teen Ink


May 21, 2014
By Manda456 BRONZE, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
Manda456 BRONZE, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Don't we all have a breaking point
After being so happy
so content
your body needs a negative energy
to balance out the positive
So eventually you hit the wall
We all do at some point
It hits you like a pile of bricks
The startling realization that life
is not an infinite
path of
Though I am not some astounding philosopher
I do know enough to say that life is an
ever going
of good and bad
To be quite blunt
I've faced dark days
But honestly
I hate talking about it
It makes me feel pathetic
and weak
Not to say that I am strong
For I am not Hercules
Though I have found the strength to escape the darkness I faced
And quite honestly
it seems so simple now
My darkest hours were in the mid of night when all was asleep
including my seemingly
lifeless soul
I was sprawled on my bed
the thoughts keeping me awake
and I decided that I needed
to open my window
see the night
the dark
What was out there
beyond the glass
I opened my blinds and there was
the dark
What did I expect
I slid
back into my bed
and wished for the night
to swallow me whole
it didn't
My walls were illuminated by
the sky
the moon
the stars
And though we all thought
night brings darkness
it doesn't
In fact
it was what brought me light
I don't expect you to see what I saw
Or feel what I felt
I'm just sharing the fact that
the universe has more light to fill our life
than life has darkness to fill our souls
And to me
the sky has more answers than any teacher
In school they don't teach you the important stuff
That show you
how to get into college
They tell you how to build your foundation
but they never teach you what to do when your
And that's the problem
I get good grades
to escape
So when you think of the exploding stars out there
and the size of this planet
and the distance we are from deathly rays
it makes you wonder
how important are my grades
how important is my life
It makes you realize how
you really are
And to me
its all about becoming bigger
Not becoming a self absorbed part of society
but just exploring more of what we know
becoming bigger to the earth
letting the ground remember your feet
making other grounds meet your feet
touching the air
making your skin touch the atmosphere
becoming more of what we are
So when you do face darkness
when you do hit your inevitable
breaking point
remember that you are just a speck
in this universe
but nothing less than the star dust in space
And even in darkness
we must know that
it can never actually be too dark
to see the light
the sky

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