ocean | Teen Ink


May 9, 2014
By mattmasone99 BRONZE, Newburyport, Massachusetts
mattmasone99 BRONZE, Newburyport, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“When things go wrong, don't go with them.”
― Elvis Presley

It was like a rolling ocean
Mermaids are not land cows
Looks like ugly
She has a fake accent
No me gusta tu mama
Spain is so weird
I get to fly away
The pretty turtle of science
Feels like a bumpy rock
Tastes like death
Matt is the coolest
Matthew Mahogany
I will get women if I start to sing
She iddnt no squid
It was still blue
I hear blue sometimes
This poem will be horrible
The problem with carpooling in the 18th century was the absolute overpopulation of automobiles
Eeee kid u eat squid for breakfast u squid
He has muscular teeth
The hammer says “hi”
The deep blue violent ocean

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