Soul Mate | Teen Ink

Soul Mate

April 30, 2014
By Darya49 BRONZE, Framingham, Massachusetts
Darya49 BRONZE, Framingham, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A few years ago on that fateful first day of middle school
I met my soul mate
He describes it like the greatest collision in history
Like the big bang became a part of us
And exploded our lives by having us gravitate to each other
I saw his blue eyes blond hair and personality that filled the room
He claims he felt my charisma radiating the room like a glow
This is not a poem about love

When days turned to weeks turned to months
We were in shock
That we could have ever lived our lives apart for so long
Practically identical beings we are
Finally someone who’s ambition and dreams and crazy jokes match mine
We could spend hours laughing side by side
And we do
While at dinners and in my room and walking in the city and your step dad’s car
He whispers softly one night he didn’t believe in
Soul mates until he met me
Who needs the rest of the world when there’s us
This is not a poem about love

Four years fly by and we grow
His insomnia climbs and my anxiety reaches to new heights
But we still hold each other up
Our own anchors of life
We the pillars of secrets support and praise
On a cold February night we watch movies and I throw popcorn at the TV
And then he screams he likes boys
With tears streaming down his face
Like its been torturing his 3 am mind to tell me
Confused Crazed Crying then finally Content and Comfort follow suit
This is not a poem about love

This is a poem about my soul mate
A thank you to him
For being the only constant in this inconsistent world
Who brought me back to life when I had my first heartbreak
And for all the times we thought the world was falling apart
We became warriors instead
Like Taylor Swift says in our favorite song
Forever and Always
My very best friend.

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