Fantasy | Teen Ink


May 2, 2014
By Tyledge SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
Tyledge SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My life was boring, lying in my bed.
Sheets and blankets of blue, a white pillow where I lay my head
My parents call me down for dinner, but my body feels like lead
“You’re parents aren’t coming, I’m sorry.” The doctor once said.
It’s been a while since I have seen my doctor, or taken meds
The things are stones in my throat, horrible things to be fed.
As I stretch my arms, I noticed something interesting
A book lying of the shelf, begging for me to read
I grab the book, with a rather sluggish speed
Open the first page, something I would one day rue
As I was reading the book, and the next thing I knew
My world suddenly shifted; a whole new view!
The grassy meadow, roses dripping with morning dew.
Something exciting! Finally the thrill of something new!
The air smelt pure and sweet, wrapping around me like a warm sheet.
I took in the new portrait from the blue sky to my feet, just in case it wanted to flee.
Then I saw someone coming from afar, but her beauty shined as a star
Golden hair on her head, and her curves should have knocked me dead
She came well supplied, we even talked while her snow colored smile had me wide eyed.
She must have known she was a sight to see, but she still came to talk with me!
Her voice gentle like feathers; kissed my ears and lifted my spirit free.
Years after that day we are wed,
life is perfect, it can't be better said!
We have a child of 2, and without him I don't know what I'd do!
Working for my family every day, would not have it another way!
I look back and have one wonder,
what caused this, is what I start to ponder
Then answer crashes as thunder. My joy now plundered.
The title of the book comes in on que,
was "mental disorders and you"!
The world fades to a lonely hospital room,
The harsh beeps do not speak of hope, but doom
With a jacket around my chest, taken down from my false life
The tears were like rivers, I would prefer a fake life than this loneliness and strife.

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