The people with sharp mouths | Teen Ink

The people with sharp mouths

April 24, 2014
By madh@tter98 SILVER, Dannebrog, Nebraska
madh@tter98 SILVER, Dannebrog, Nebraska
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A lost soul wandering
a flicker of hope extinguished
once full of life
now nothing but
painful memories
it cries out
always in pain
a pain that wasn't there
but yet was so real
nobody understood it
the pain they brought
people with pointed sharp
mouths always yelling
screaming insults
like it was oxygen
seeing how their words hurt
they like the feeling
of power it brings
soon all they see is targets
the targets are sliced
on the inside and out side
the inside cuts where forced
on them by people
with pointy words
the outside ones
they put there them selves
trying to heal the inside ones
but only making them worse
they cry tears of scarlet
staining the pillows
with their tears
they are nothing but
lost souls wandering
in eternal pain
wishing for it to end
it wont not unless they
do something about it
most of them
just end their own lives
making the sharp words
dissappear for now
only to reappear
when remembered
by people they love
the lost souls are
never going to be found

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