elements of life | Teen Ink

elements of life

April 28, 2014
By Anonymous

Wind blowing leaves, the wind rushing down my face. All I think about is peace.Peace is like a new born baby being born in the world. I hear the sound of echoes from a distance. Tornadoes going wild and tears, tears from the rain going down my window pane. Pain is hurtful,pain is feeling. Feelings are mixed emotions going out through the day. Sunshine is like an open book ready to hear,ready to listen,to explore more adventures. All the deaths elements combining like glue can create something amazing, like candy. Nice and sweet like a child. Bread... Wine..and juice are all the flavors of our past. All we know us in our history. Butterflies flying through the meadow singing happily, suddenly a storm is coming, rerouting life. Lightning,Thunder,Storms,Rain. Life is a battlefield a fight that you can win. Pain...Feelings...Rain...Storms...and candy is in the singleness of life. You enjoy things while you can in life enjoy the simple things.

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