War on Sanity | Teen Ink

War on Sanity

April 28, 2014
By JessiBear777 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
JessiBear777 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 9 comments

I'm tired of thinking.
I'm tired of feeling.
I wish things didn't
Have to be this way!

I don't know what I'm doing,
Or even what I'm pursuing.
Please, Lord, just help me
Get through this day!

I'm just so tired of feeling this way,
Of barely stumbling through day after day.
I just feel like running away
From everything that wants me to stay.

I hate it when I lie to myself
When I try put my emotions on a shelf.
It just kills me when I know I can't control anything,
But what I'm really afraid of is hurting those around me.

Is it truly better to have loved and lost,
Than never to have loved at all? Is it worth the cost?
If I open up the gates and windows to my heart
What have I left to keep me sheltered from the bitter frost?

Why does it hurt so much to care for those
Whom I trust and with whom I share my woes?
Especially when I know that I do have to go,
That Life would be a fairytale if Time froze.

At least Reality I know,
Although bittersweet,
Is not a mystery or show
But Sanity's best fleet.

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