Last Words | Teen Ink

Last Words

April 28, 2014
By Anyson13 SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
Anyson13 SILVER, Littleton, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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I could feel my heart beating, I could hear everyone's heart. I could hear the human noise we were making, not one of us moving, not even when the lights went dark.

I never understood last words.
Why the father always dies
in the arms of his son.

Why must we have one less statement?
Reminding ourselves of our heartache
Bringing back the blues

Can we not die smiling?
Not mid-sentence.
Why do we cry one last cry?

Can we not die instantly?
Without all the blood
And tears of our loved ones?

I could never understand last words,
Until I said mine.
The words unsaid must be heard.

How could I have forgotten?
To say that I love you
To so many people

How could these speeches
Escape my mind?
And leave me with last words

Now they will never know
The way that I loved
Or how much I cared

My last words were unfitting
And unrecognizable
Did they all understand?

My last words were broken
My last words were a shame
My last words were

I’m sorry
I’m sorry
I’m sorry

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