Why oh why | Teen Ink

Why oh why

April 16, 2014
By Travis Johns BRONZE, Kannapolis, North Carolina
Travis Johns BRONZE, Kannapolis, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up at five thirty in the morning
To walk to school at six
Going through mind blistering headaches

Having to wonder when school will end
My friends worry on how I feel through the day
Hatred, depression, life

Finally two schools out
Then you remember the walk home
Your little brother shows up why oh why?

I walk to my room with out saying anything
So much yelling I escape through sleep saying why oh why?

Friend shows up we play lacrosse and baseball
Then to sleep to stat all over again why oh why

The author's comments:
As I read through some of these poems one called coping had me cought and it just happened

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