Ode to my eraser | Teen Ink

Ode to my eraser

April 13, 2014
By klopez23 SILVER, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
klopez23 SILVER, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My soul grazes like a lamb on the beauty of an indrawn tide."

Erase my mistakes
Please, forgive me. I did not mean to.
Take away any unsettling marks and prints,
Rub everything away.
Give me a fresh start, if you don’t mind that is
Let me play pretend, choose my own ending.
Allow me to tweak some things,
move some things around.
I won’t be upset if I lose what I’ve written,
unless its the good parts.
I have some new ideas anyway.
I think of them all the time, you'd be very proud I bet.
Some of this here, and some of that there,
and add something a tad bit more interesting.
I trust you.

Without you, what would I do?
Without my good friend, I am but a lonely ink pen that every writer ignores.
I am an unfinished book, a frustrated artist, and a terrified beginner.

This ode is to you,
because there is nothing greater.
Then the power of a tiny pink eraser.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 14 2014 at 2:27 pm
beAWESOMEstayAWESOME BRONZE, New York City, New York
3 articles 0 photos 133 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Work hard in silence and let your accomplishments make the noise."

i love it. its unique.