Our World | Teen Ink

Our World

April 3, 2014
By Novianty BRONZE, Pontianak, Other
Novianty BRONZE, Pontianak, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is an adventure..

We live this world
We own this world
This world is a gift from God
A gift that is uncountable

This world has many miracles
We can see the creatures everywhere
We have never thought about their lives
Sometimes we only think of our own

The plants, animals, humans live together
The plants give us energy for our life
The trees give us oxygen
The animals can be our friend

In the past, the air was really fresh
There was no pollution
The forest were full of trees
The animal lived happily in the forest

We could see the beauty of this world
We could see the scenery
Feel the energy from nature
We’re one with the nature

But now…
We can hear this world’s scream
The sky is crying
The nature is crumbling little by little

The trees lost their life
The forests were burnt by fire
The animals lost their house
The environment’s full of trash

Who did all of it ?
Of course, it’s humans
So, let’s start to protect this world
Let the nature grow healthily

Wake ourselves up from bad personality
Let’s be a good person to help this earth grow
Make this world full of nature’s color
And enjoy this world with happiness

Because what you’re planting is what you’ll reap in the world to grow
So protect this world now and enjoy the bounty in our elderly ways

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