The Spinning Arrow | Teen Ink

The Spinning Arrow

April 7, 2014
By XChick97 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
XChick97 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My destiny is calling,
My path is ahead,
While traveling my youthful journey,
I stand here questioning,
Thoughts spin around my head,
I look before my talents,
And think about my ways,
How can I decide my future?
How can I make of my days?
A map of opportunities stands before me,
Though they don’t seem just right,
It’s clear I have a vision of something,
Though it won’t deliver overnight,
This challenge is harder than expected,
Don’t want to take a wrong turn,
My life has prepared me for this moment,
But it could take years to be adjourned,
One day I’ll comprehend this confusion,
One day I’ll understand,
For I am only young enough,
To not know the potential of these hands,
I am blessed and satisfied,
To know the journey will continue to stay,
For my hands withhold everything,
Who knows what my potential could be someday?

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece during a time of confusion. I was inspired to write this because I was so lost, as well as many other teens may feel when trying to decide what they should do with their lives.

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