Habituated Darkness | Teen Ink

Habituated Darkness

April 7, 2014
By XChick97 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
XChick97 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Through shadows of darkness,
And memories of shame,
I walk through my weary,
My doubted struggles I claim,
My failure,
My misery,
Are all in black and white,
Because they have rewritten me,
They have taken over my life,
No courage,
Or bravery,
Just a coward inside,
The fates of casting curses upon many,
Is what worries me deeply inside,
Though I have not seen the future,
What writes me,
Is what yet awaits,
Just sadness and unspoken misery,
My shadows hold my fates,
I cry in pity,
Though they are always there,
What mimics me in silence,
Laughter is often found rare,
I will never own myself,
Because my shadow controls my ways,
Oblivious actions,
Will always control my days.

The author's comments:
This poem is written about an alcoholic, and it describes the shadows of darkness and sorrow an alcoholic may face.

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