Common Cents | Teen Ink

Common Cents

April 7, 2014
By XChick97 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
XChick97 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today I found a penny on the ground,

I picked it up to put in my pocket and continued to walk around,

I kept it there though out the day,

Hoping I'd receive some luck in a way,

I went to school, I went to track,

And I kept the penny in a pocket by my back,

My uniform was on, I was ready to go,

This race was about to begin,

But my excitement started to slow,

I was up at the line,

My heart was beating fast,

I needed a good time,

I was in fear of being last,

I was in second in the race,

And 200 meters to go,

I reached in my back,

And what did you know,

The penny was gone,

Where could it be,

All that was left was the runner in me,

I reached to my heart and looked up to the sky,

I had won the race,

There were tears in my eyes,

I didn't need a penny that day,

All I needed was me,

What was stronger than luck,

Was the faith inside of me.

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