Foolish | Teen Ink


March 19, 2014
By Lexxx SILVER, Portland, Oregon
Lexxx SILVER, Portland, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest cruelty is our casual blindness to the despair of others."

What am I trying to say?
Questions. I hardly know the answer to anything in my brain.
My chest does all my thinking, while my mouth gets me in all sorts of trouble.
I will never make any such foolish promise resulting my defeat. I lie to myself, not just everyone else.
What I do know is that you are magnificent. Beautiful in every way possible, tenderly making me a strong fierce warrior. I am courageous when
I see you smile, and I can't figure out much less understand the feelings I have for anyone.
I am blind. I am sober and I am a thief. I will steal your mind in every way possible.
How about you can say that you'll be the first girl to at least pretend to care.
You make the earth spin 20 times faster in a loving (hackneyed) way. But
the thing is,
I don't ever know what I'm trying to say about anything.

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