Don't choose me. | Teen Ink

Don't choose me.

March 15, 2014
By gabbbycaputo SILVER, Toronto, Other
gabbbycaputo SILVER, Toronto, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You're in a dilemma,
caught between one another,
don't choose me because,
I'm just like every other.

With my pain sinking thoughts,
that lead to unbearable actions,
you don't need to bother,
I'm like your worst nightmare or contraption.

I play it all so fun and cool,
but deep down I am so much more,
I think about things that have never crossed your mind,
not the same girl next door.

Now as you may not know,
you're a gun facing lions,
but I am only a peal,
in a mine full of diamonds.

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